Today is the day! That special day where you mark your calendar! Where you know it’s fine to admit that you weren’t connected to WiFi when you reached out to your IT department and couldn’t access your network drives. Where you realize the battery isn’t securely attached to your laptop which is why it wouldn’t turn on. Or, where you realize the “file,” yes that “file,” wasn’t deleted like you thought, but available on your thumb drive.
Yes, it’s that day! #SysAdmin Appreciation Day!
The day where it’s fine to shout from the rooftops that your sysadmin(s), and frankly, all sysadmins are as critical to the business operations as anyone. Of course, we all know that every day should be an appreciation day, but today is that extra special day.
So, whether you plan on eating cake, sending a simple email of appreciation, or doing something more lavish (check out a few suggestions), please make a point of expressing your gratitude to any and all SysAdmins you may know by at least extending a note of appreciation.
From all of us at HYCU, “Thank You!” To our own SysAdmins!
To the SysAdmins we work with at our partners and customers, and to all future SysAdmins to be! We know how important and thankless a job it can seem, but we know how important it is! Enjoy your day!
And for anyone that would like to share on social, use #HYCU, and we’ll put your name in the hat for a random drawing to say Thank You!