eclipse HYCU

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Keeping people and businesses safe is what drives us.

We are a passionate, highly ambitious group of data protectors, innovators, game changers, and simplifiers. Join our team and make a positive impact on the lives of many while building a rewarding career.

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Hycu Founder

We are at our best when we stay true to our core values."

Simon Taylor
Founder & CEO, HYCU


Core Values

At HYCU, we get better with AGE. Authenticity, Grit, and Empathy.

We are who we are and we do it well. We focus our energy on being who WE are. We are true to ourselves. We understand where we are truly the best fit for our customers and when we are not. And, we are authentic in relationships: ensuring that we are honest and do what we say we’re going to do.

We want to win. Every team member jumps in and helps at every turn. Whether it’s staying late to help a colleague or customer or finding a better process and making sure it’s communicated cross-functionally. We just have to do it and love it…and never stop trying.

We care about each other, our clients, our business, and the world around us. It's a tall order, but if we don’t live in a constant state of empathy, or truly put ourselves in another person’s shoes, we cannot truly serve the market.


What our employees say about HYCU.

At HYCU, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant, supportive work culture. That’s one reason HYCU was named a BBJ “Best Places To Work” in 2024.


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