Warum HYCU die intelligente Datensicherung der Cloud ist

SVP Products Subbiah Sundaram discusses why HYCU is cloud intelligent data protection when he sat down with GestaltIT Moderator Ned Bellavance

Geschrieben von
Don Jennings
Veröffentlicht am
September 13, 2022
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What does it mean to be intelligent in the cloud?

And, how does cloud intelligence apply to HYCU’s core value of data protection?

These were a couple of the questions our SVP Products Subbiah Sundaram addressed when he sat down with GestaltIT Moderator Ned Bellavance for a Tech Talk on Cloud Intelligent Data Protection. Ned has spent a career making cloud technology understandable and accessible.

Industry-leading analysts and influential companies choose Tech Talks to discuss and explore the pressing issues facing IT in what has quickly become an ultra-competitive digital world. It’s an opportunity to discuss real-time technology use cases as well as innovative and breakthrough approaches on some long-standing challenges in both on-premises and cloud IT environments. This conversation was no exception.

The advent of public cloud providers has empowered companies to change (or adapt) to the way they deliver their products and/or services. In Ned’s overview of the discussion, he notes; “New application architectures became viable, development costs dropped, and whole new toolsets and solutions emerged to help engineers accelerate their software development lifecycle. But what about operations”?

If history has taught us anything, it’s that backup solutions (in the pre-cloud era) have not changed much in terms of functionality and features over the past 20 years. Traditional backups were engineered to protect a comparatively reliable list of servers and applications and the infrastructure footprint necessary to run the product which was intended to be healthy and strong. Unfortunately, these complex and challenging to manage backup solutions of the past have not acclimated to the paradigm of cloud native advancement and distribution. Previously, static environments have turned into aggressive and always changing shifting targets, making it difficult for traditional data protection schemes to stay up to date while preserving their codebase and backward functionality.

Fast forward to today, almost all the customers we are talking to are protecting their data in the public cloud, including the largest of organizations and the US Federal Government. In addition, the rise of ransomware has customers thinking more about data protection than ever before.

As Subbiah noted, being new to the game has its advantages.

“HYCU has deep roots in data protection and storage, so we fully understand what came before, and have developed the company to avoid pitfalls while embracing the architecture of the future.”

HYCU has been able to recognize and adapt to recent market shifts, crafting its solution to counterpart the requirements of DevOps teams as they exist today. This brings us to the definition of “cloud intelligent.”

Cloud intelligent is best described in the following.

“When we built our solutions, we made the conscience decision not to support every older legacy system,” says Subbiah. “Our goal was to leverage the intelligence and take advantage of what was already built into the system for products like Azure, AWS, Google Platform, Nutanix, and VMware.”

The bottom line is that any “true” cloud intelligent solution should take full advantage of cloud-native architecture in its deployment and operational models. As an example, HYCU will effectively spin up worker nodes to develop backups and shut them down when the backup is complete. This leverages the elasticity of the cloud, in turn saving you money.

Furthermore, any cloud intelligent solution needs to be able to backup cloud-native workflows and support compute instances, object storage, Kubernetes, as well as application-consistent backups like SAP HANA AND SaaS applications like M365.

In the beginning, the cloud started with public providers, but it doesn’t end there. Chances are you may also have private clouds operating in your data center. As previously stated, HYCU protects all the major vendors on the private cloud side, including VMware, VMware Cloud, Dell Powerscale, and Nutanix. It can even cover those annoying physical servers that withstand virtualization.

In closing, Subbiah emphasized how simple and free it is to get started. To this effect, HYCU has launched a free-for-life tier that supports AWS workloads. Once you sign up for the free service, you’ll be able to manage EC2 snapshots and recover at both the file and VM level to the same region or cross-region. The data (and the cost of storing the data) stays in your AWS account, with HYCU supporting a control plane and tool for efficiently managing your EC2 backups. You won’t see this with a traditional backup solution.

If you’d like to discover and experience cloud intelligent data protection firsthand, check out our free tier offer and take a test drive for yourself.

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Shive Raja Kopfsprung

Leitender Direktor für globale Kommunikation und PR

Don Jennings, Senior Director of Global Communications and PR bei HYCU, Inc. ist eine erfahrene Kommunikationsfachkraft mit einer Karriere, die ihre Wurzeln im Bereich der Unternehmens-IT hat. Als ehemaliger technischer Leiter einer preisgekrönten PR-Agentur zeichnet sich Don Jennings dadurch aus, dass er Ergebnisse vorantreibt und starke Beziehungen aufbaut, ohne dabei auf Spielchen zurückzugreifen oder Stakeholder zu verärgern. Seine Leidenschaft gilt der Speicherung, der Cloud und dem Datenschutz. Er pflegt enge Kontakte zu Medien und Meinungsbildnern aus den Bereichen Speicherung, IT und Unternehmenssoftware.

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