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Autozulieferer schaltet mit HYCU in den höchsten Gang

For MATA Automotive, backup is critical for them to keep daily operations running smoothly. HYCU meets all of their Nutanix backup and recovery needs.

Geschrieben von
Don Jennings
Veröffentlicht am
5. November 2020
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MATA Automotive is a leading supplier of decorative interior and exterior components in premium wood and carbon fiber materials to the worldwide auto industry. A truly global company, MATA Automotive has state-of-the-art operations in Turkey, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, the United States and China.

Operating in a highly competitive marketplace, serving auto manufacturers worldwide,

MATA Automotive needed to ensure the continuity of critical applications and data as a top business priority.

According to Deniz Coban, CIO, to help achieve that goal and to support scaling to keep pace with growth, the company migrated in 2019 from its legacy server infrastructure to Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). They established a Nutanix cluster with four nodes supporting approximately 200 virtual machines and also adopted Nutanix Files with encryption.

For backup and recovery, they trialed three different products.

“We could not get the result we wanted from any of them,” Coban says. “Each had its own detailed setup and rules. We experienced some slowdowns and problems during the backup and recovery processes, and continuous professional support was required for each one.”


Coban learned about HYCU, the only backup and recovery solution purpose-built for Nutanix. “When we tried HYCU, we found that there is full integration with Nutanix and an easy installation and deployment process,” he explains. “HYCU worked better than the other products in terms of speed and ease of use.”


Coban configured HYCU using MATA’s own storage as a backup target for both Nutanix Files and general files and achieved the following benefits:

Simple deployment

“It takes just three minutes to deploy without training,” Coban says. “You don’t need additional hardware, agents or licenses to run. That's a key reason why we chose HYCU.”

Faster performance

“Previously, our backup and recovery times were too long. With HYCU, we can backup and restore much faster.” 

Superior scalability

New VMs can be spun up quickly in the backup environment with HYCU’s auto discovery capability. “This is important because it means our business is not waiting for additional system capacity,” Coban explains.

“Backup is critical for us to keep daily operations running smoothly. HYCU meets all of our Nutanix backup and recovery needs. We feel safe thanks to HYCU's support for Nutanix.” Deniz Coban, CIO, MATA Automotive


To learn how HYCU can transform your Nutanix-based backup and recovery, visit https://www.hycu.com/data-protection/hycu-for-nutanix/ or email info@hycu.com.

Shive Raja Kopfsprung

Leitender Direktor für globale Kommunikation und PR

Don Jennings, Senior Director of Global Communications and PR bei HYCU, Inc. ist eine erfahrene Kommunikationsfachkraft mit einer Karriere, die ihre Wurzeln im Bereich der Unternehmens-IT hat. Als ehemaliger technischer Leiter einer preisgekrönten PR-Agentur zeichnet sich Don Jennings dadurch aus, dass er Ergebnisse vorantreibt und starke Beziehungen aufbaut, ohne dabei auf Spielchen zurückzugreifen oder Stakeholder zu verärgern. Seine Leidenschaft gilt der Speicherung, der Cloud und dem Datenschutz. Er pflegt enge Kontakte zu Medien und Meinungsbildnern aus den Bereichen Speicherung, IT und Unternehmenssoftware.

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