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SysAdmin Day Will Soon Be Here, Now Tell Us Who Your Favorite Is

Join us for SysAdmin Day! Nominate a deserving System Admin by July 23rd for a chance to win a special HYCU Thank You gift package. Celebrate their hard work!

Written by
Don Jennings
Published on
July 12, 2024
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It’s that time of year again! Time to shower your favorite System Administrator with the praise they so rightly deserve.  

A simple “Thank You” is clearly not enough. Join us for the 25th Annual System Administration Appreciation Day (#SysAdminDay) by nominating a SysAdmin you know, or work with, that deserves to be acknowledged.

This day, celebrated on the last Friday of July every year, and that has been called, “the single greatest 24 hours on the planet,” provides all of us with an opportunity to acknowledge someone you know that works tirelessly in classic IT tasks. Whether it be keeping your network up and running to ensuring your WiFi enabled printer works without interruption to making sure your favorite SaaS application is ready and available and that data is protected, we want to help celebrate this day for them with you.

As in past celebrations, we know there are many, many meaningful ways to say “Thank You.” A few great suggestions come from the “Ready and Approved Listing.” But we want to do our own part. Let us know who you believe deserves the recognition and we will share our own HYCU Thank You gift package.

How do you nominate someone? It’s easy. Follow us on social (X – formerly Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagam), send us a DM with the name of the person you feel deserves the recognition, a short, concise explanation of why, and we will select three winners through a random selection. The cut off to nominate a SysAdmin is Wednesday, July 23rd at Midnight ET.  

Time is ticking so reach out to us and let us know who deserves the recognition.  

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Senior Director of Global Communications and PR

Don Jennings, Senior Director of Global Communications and PR at HYCU, Inc., is a seasoned communications executive with a career rooted in the enterprise IT space. Formerly a tech lead at an award-winning PR agency, Don excels at driving results and building strong relationships without resorting to games or annoying stakeholders. Passionate about storage, cloud, and data protection, and maintains robust connections with storage, IT, and enterprise software media and influencers.

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