Did you know that HYCU provides agentless MS SQL Server Recovery to a different instance for both ESX and AHV?
With the latest HYCU release, we introduced a plethora of new goodies customers were asking us for. The main star of the release was definitely ESX hypervisor support for Nutanix environments. But, we did not forget our first-class citizens (applications), especially MS SQL.
HYCU extended its recoverability options for MS SQL, and now provides agentless, point-in-time recovery for MS SQL to a different instance for both AHV and ESX hypervisors.
Will the same features be available for both hypervisors?
As a new generation DPaaS (Data Protection as a Service) solution for Nutanix, HYCU is built in a modular fashion. Reading between the lines, that means that all of the newly released and previous application support is instantly available on both platforms.
The additional hidden gem in HYCU’s implementation is the ability to leverage Nutanix storage snapshots not just on AHV but also on ESX. Contrary to legacy vendor options that prefer to play it “safe” and address Nutanix ESX environments through VADP.
In other words, the latest version of HYCU brings unique application awareness for MS SQL combined with the most efficient snapshotting mechanism for Nutanix on ESX and AHV.
How does HYCU do it?
For the Nutanix admin everything is the same. The way someone applies backup policies, or someone performs recovery is exactly the same. The existing dialog is just extended with the ability to define the instance name. Just select the databases and that’s it.

Application Restore Options View, Restore Application Items
- Can you discover which VMs you run MS SQL?
- Can you consistently protect your MS SQL VMs using the efficiency of Nutanix snapshots? On ESX, too?
- Can you perform one-click recovery of databases in the same or in a different instance?