4 min read

30 Ways to Lose Your GitHub Data (and How to Avoid Them)

GitHub is critical to your organization, holding more than just source code—your IP and key data power your development team. Learn how to protect GitHub data from deletion, corruption, and alteration to keep your operations secure.

Written by
Andy Fernandez
Published on
October 8, 2024
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GitHub is as critical to your organizations as your most important production applications. Your IP and source code are mission critical to protect, but that’s not all GitHub holds. The data, configurations, and files in GitHub power your development team and your company.

But unlike hosting your Git Repository in a data center, using GitHub as-a-service requires you to think differently about how you protect it.  

We’ve decided to break down the many ways the ‘data’ in GitHub can be deleted, corrupted, or altered.  

Accidental Deletion


1. Deleting Repositories, Branches, Files, Tags, Releases

It's easy to delete important parts of your project with a few clicks or commands. Whether it's an entire repository or that one critical file, accidental deletions are a common pitfall.

Tip: Always double-check before hitting that delete button. Implement branch protection rules and limit who can delete repositories.


2. Misusing git rm and Other Commands

Using git rm without fully understanding its impact can lead to unintended file removals. Combine that with a hasty commit, and you've got a recipe for missing code.

Tip: Familiarize yourself with Git commands and consider aliasing dangerous commands to require confirmation.


Force Push Errors: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Improper Use of git push --force


3. Force pushing can overwrite remote history, effectively erasing commits from existence.  

Tip: Use git push --force-with-lease to add a safety net, and avoid force pushing to shared branches.


4. Rewriting History Gone Wrong

Commands like git rebase or git filter-branch followed by a force push can rewrite shared history, confusing collaborators and potentially losing commits.

Tip: Communicate with your team before rewriting history,  and consider alternatives like git merge when working collaboratively.


Merge Mishaps: When Two Become One... Badly


5. Incorrect Merge Operations

Merging branches without resolving conflicts properly can discard important changes. Fast-forward merges might overwrite code you didn't intend to change.

Tip: Always review merge conflicts carefully and consider using pull requests for code reviews before merging.


Reverting Merges Without Caution

Undoing a merge commit without understanding its implications can remove significant chunks of code.

Tip: Use git revert cautiously and ensure you're not undoing essential merges.


Branch Blunders: The Perils of Mismanagement


6. Neglecting to Push Local Branches

Local branches with crucial work can vanish if your machine crashes or if you forget to push them before moving to a new environment.

Tip: Regularly push your branches to the remote repository and consider using GitHub's draft pull requests to keep track.


Overwriting Branches

Creating a new branch with the same name as an existing one and force pushing can erase the original branch.

Tip: Check branch names carefully and avoid force pushing unless absolutely necessary.


Credential Catastrophes: Open Sesame... to Disaster


7. Unauthorized Access and Phishing Attacks

If your credentials are compromised through phishing or other means, attackers can delete or alter your repositories.

Tip: Enable two-factor authentication, use strong, unique passwords, and be vigilant against phishing attempts.


8. Token and SSH Key Exposure

Leaking access tokens or SSH keys can give unauthorized users the keys to your kingdom.

Tip: Store credentials securely, rotate tokens regularly, and consider using GitHub's encrypted secrets for sensitive data.


Cyber and Insider Threats: The Call is Coming from Inside the House


9. Disgruntled Employees and Improper Offboarding

Former team members with lingering access can wreak havoc, either accidentally or intentionally.

Tip: Implement strict offboarding procedures and regularly audit team access levels.


10. Lack of Access Controls

Inadequate permissions can lead to accidental deletions by well-meaning team members.

Tip: Use GitHub's permission settings to control who can push, merge, or delete branches and repositories.


Automation Anomalies: Robots Gone Rogue


11. CI/CD Pipeline Mistakes

Automated scripts might delete or overwrite code due to misconfigurations, turning your helpful bots into destructive forces.

Tip: Review your CI/CD scripts carefully and test them in a safe environment before deploying.


12. Faulty Workflows and Excessive Permissions

GitHub Actions with excessive permissions can execute unintended deletions if scripts go awry.

Tip: Follow the principle of least privilege when configuring workflows and use dedicated service accounts where possible.


Tools and Commands Turning Against You


13. Bugs in Git Clients and Misconfigured Scripts

Software bugs or miswritten scripts can corrupt your repository or delete data unexpectedly.

Tip: Keep your tools updated and double-check scripts before running them on important repositories.


14. Dangerous Git Commands

Commands like git clean -fdx can remove untracked files and directories, sometimes with disastrous effects.

Tip: Use such commands with caution and consider running them with the -n (dry run) option first.


Data Corruption Conundrums: When Bits Go Bad


15. Corrupted Repositories

Network issues during push/pull operations can corrupt your repository, making data inaccessible.

Tip: Regularly backup your repositories and use Git's built-in recovery tools when necessary.


16. Binary File Issues and Git LFS Mismanagement

Committing large binary files without Git LFS can lead to performance issues. Deleting LFS objects improperly can make large files inaccessible.

Tip: Use Git LFS for large files and be mindful of storage quotas and limits.


Configuration Calamities: Setting Yourself Up for Failure


17. Repository Settings Misconfiguration

Incorrect settings can lead to unintended data exposure or deletion.

Tip: Regularly review your repository settings, especially when changes are made by multiple administrators.


18. Misapplied Branch Protection Rules

Overly permissive rules might allow force pushes or deletions that you didn't anticipate.

Tip: Set up strict branch protection rules for main branches and enforce required reviews.


The Perils of Temporary Storage and Time-Based Actions


19. Loss of Unsynced Work

Data stored in temporary locations or unsaved work can vanish due to system crashes or cleanup operations.

Tip: Save work frequently and push changes to remote branches often.


20. Scheduled Jobs Gone Wrong

Cron jobs or scheduled tasks might delete data unintentionally if misconfigured.

Tip: Monitor scheduled tasks and ensure they perform as intended, especially when dealing with deletions.


Submodule and Synchronization Slip-ups


21. Git Submodule Mismanagement

Incorrectly removing submodules or pulling updates can overwrite local changes.

Tip: Understand how submodules work before using them and document their usage for your team.


22. Conflicts with Other VCS Tools and Sync Services

Using multiple version control systems or syncing repositories with cloud services can cause corruption.

Tip: Stick to one VCS per project and avoid syncing repository folders with services like Dropbox.


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Dangers of Incorrect Repository Mirroring


23. Using commands like git push --mirror without proper caution can overwrite the entire target repository, erasing branches, tags, and commit history in one fell swoop.

Tip: Before performing a mirror push, double-check your remote URLs using git remote -v to ensure you're pushing to the correct repository. Avoid using --mirror unless you're certain that's your intention. For most cases, a regular git push will suffice. Consider setting up safeguards or using scripts that prompt for confirmation before executing destructive operations.


Character Encoding and Merge Conflict Chaos


24. Encoding Mismatches

Inconsistent character encoding settings can corrupt file content, especially in collaborative environments.

Tip: Standardize encoding settings across your team and use tools to detect encoding issues.


25. Unresolved Merge Conflicts

Committing files with conflict markers or accidentally discarding the wrong code sections can lead to broken code

Tip: Carefully resolve conflicts and consider code reviews to catch any mistakes.


Cloning and Cherry-Picking Challenges


26. Shallow and Partial Clones

Using git clone --depth or forgetting to clone submodules and LFS objects can result in incomplete repositories.


Tip: Clone repositories fully unless you have a specific reason not to, and ensure all necessary components are included.


27. Misuse of git cherry-pick and git revert

Applying commits out of context or incorrectly reverting changes can cause conflicts and overwrite code.

Tip: Use these commands with caution and fully understand the commits you're manipulating.


Checklist: Guidelines to protect GitHub  

While we've highlighted a plethora of ways to lose your GitHub data, the underlying theme is clear: mistakes happen. Whether it's a deletion, a misunderstood command, or a misconfigured script, your data is always at risk.

Protecting your GitHub data is crucial to maintain the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of your code and related assets. Below is a brief checklist of best practices to help you safeguard your GitHub repositories effectively.

Strengthen Authentication Methods

  • Enable Single Sign-On (SSO): Integrate GitHub with your organization's Identity Provider (IdP) to centralize authentication.
  • Require Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Mandate 2FA for all users to add an extra layer of security. Prefer time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) or hardware security keys over SMS-based 2FA.

Access Control

  • Principle of Least Privilege: Grant users the minimum necessary permissions for their roles. Regularly review and update access rights.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Define roles (e.g., admin, developer, tester) and assign permissions accordingly.
  • Use GitHub Teams to manage group permissions.
  • Protect Critical Branches. Enable branch protection rules to prevent force pushes and deletions and require status checks and code reviews before merging.
  • Manage External Collaborators: Limit access for third-party contributors and set expiration dates for collaborator access where appropriate.

Secure Credentials and Sensitive Data

  • Avoid Committing Secrets: Use tools like GitGuardian or GitHub Secret Scanning to detect secrets in code. Implement pre-commit hooks to prevent accidental commits of sensitive data.
  • Utilize GitHub Secrets: Store API keys, tokens, and passwords securely in GitHub Secrets for Actions and Dependabot.
  • Regularly Rotate Credentials: Change access tokens, SSH keys, and passwords periodically. Make sure to invalidate compromised credentials immediately.

Backup and Recovery

  • Automated Backups: Schedule regular backups of repositories, including all branches, tags, and issues
  • Offsite Storage: Store backups in secure, geographically separate locations. Encrypt backup data both in transit and at rest.
  • WORM-enabled backups: Leverage public cloud storage targets and object-lock to keep a safe copy in case of a cyber event.  
  • Test Restoration Procedures: Periodically verify that backups can be restored successfully. Document recovery steps and maintain them up to date.

Conclusion: Take Ownership of Your GitHub Data

GitHub is more than a platform—it's the heartbeat of your organization's development efforts, housing not just code but the intellectual property and collaborative work that drive your projects forward. While GitHub provides the tools and infrastructure, the responsibility for protecting the data within your repositories lies with you.

Developing with security and data protection in mind isn't just about preventing loss—it's about fostering a culture of awareness and diligence. By integrating these practices into your daily workflow, you create a resilient environment where innovation can thrive without compromising integrity.

Take ownership of your GitHub data today. By doing so, you not only protect your organization's valuable assets but also strengthen the foundation upon which your team can build, collaborate, and succeed long into the future.

Additional Resources

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Director of Product Management

Andy Fernandez is the Director of Product Management at HYCU, an Atlassian Ventures company.  Andy's entire career has been focused on data protection and disaster recovery for critical applications. Previously holding product and GTM positions at Zerto and Veeam, Andy’s focus now is ensuring organizations protect critical SaaS and Cloud applications across ITSM and DevOps.  When not working on data protection, Andy loves attending live gigs, finding the local foodie spots, and going to the beach.

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