Did You Know: Being Hypervisor Agnostic

Did You Know: Being Hypervisor AgnosticDid You Know: Being Hypervisor Agnostic

Did you know that HYCU provides a consolidated hypervisor agnostic data protection experience for Nutanix?

Being a data protection vendor in a modern dynamic IT environment is not easy. Applications, OSs and the whole technology stack changes almost daily. And in software, once you burn your concepts and design within – it is a colossal task to add something different.

HYCU provides a hypervisor agnostic data protection experience for Nutanix AHV and ESX environments, by delivering an authoritative application-centric solution that makes the hypervisor infrastructure invisible.

Why is it so challenging to extend features of legacy solutions?

First of all, the IT industry lacks a general focus on the user experience. Typical behavior of vendors is to directly expose all of the software’s (and hypervisor) internal knobs and switches to the end user. The result is typically a complicated product with a never-ending learning curve.

Lately we’ve begun to see a lot of investment in new-age, web user interfaces, but using flashy toolkits and charts does not equal simplicity. Graphical design cannot address usability requirements, as the only difference is that the knobs and switches are “modern.” One needs to hide the internal details and expose the functionality so that users can consume it naturally.

How does HYCU do it?

The primary purpose of data protection is to protect business data and applications. In our view, everything else should be hidden and automated as much as possible.

This is why HYCU is designed to:

  • Provide an app-centric view on data protection
  • Understand end user data protection requirements (RTO, RPO and retention)
  • Eliminate the need to interact/configure the infrastructure

With HYCU, users manage their data without hypervisor specifics or infrastructure in general. In the same user interface, one can manage different platforms and mix the applications, VMs and policies. You do not see the difference between the ESX and AHV infrastructure, except … Wait!

Did You Know: Being Hypervisor Agnostic


There is a difference! The versioning of the clusters on the screenshot above is different. One is ESX ( and the other one AHV (2017.02.23).

Do you manage your ESX and AHV Nutanix clusters separately from a single console? Do you have the same functionality for both hypervisors? Do you have a single project/workflow for deployment and/or upgrade? If you don’t you should.

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Did You Know: Being Hypervisor Agnostic


Did you know that HYCU provides a consolidated hypervisor agnostic data protection experience for Nutanix?

Being a data protection vendor in a modern dynamic IT environment is not easy. Applications, OSs and the whole technology stack changes almost daily. And in software, once you burn your concepts and design within – it is a colossal task to add something different.

HYCU provides a hypervisor agnostic data protection experience for Nutanix AHV and ESX environments, by delivering an authoritative application-centric solution that makes the hypervisor infrastructure invisible.

Why is it so challenging to extend features of legacy solutions?

First of all, the IT industry lacks a general focus on the user experience. Typical behavior of vendors is to directly expose all of the software’s (and hypervisor) internal knobs and switches to the end user. The result is typically a complicated product with a never-ending learning curve.

Lately we’ve begun to see a lot of investment in new-age, web user interfaces, but using flashy toolkits and charts does not equal simplicity. Graphical design cannot address usability requirements, as the only difference is that the knobs and switches are “modern.” One needs to hide the internal details and expose the functionality so that users can consume it naturally.

How does HYCU do it?

The primary purpose of data protection is to protect business data and applications. In our view, everything else should be hidden and automated as much as possible.

This is why HYCU is designed to:

  • Provide an app-centric view on data protection
  • Understand end user data protection requirements (RTO, RPO and retention)
  • Eliminate the need to interact/configure the infrastructure

With HYCU, users manage their data without hypervisor specifics or infrastructure in general. In the same user interface, one can manage different platforms and mix the applications, VMs and policies. You do not see the difference between the ESX and AHV infrastructure, except … Wait!

Did You Know: Being Hypervisor Agnostic


There is a difference! The versioning of the clusters on the screenshot above is different. One is ESX ( and the other one AHV (2017.02.23).

Do you manage your ESX and AHV Nutanix clusters separately from a single console? Do you have the same functionality for both hypervisors? Do you have a single project/workflow for deployment and/or upgrade? If you don’t you should.

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