Secure, reliable backup & recovery for Google Cloud Bigtable
Protect your Bigtable data
Caso práctico del cliente
HYCU R-Cloud: Protección ilimitada en todas sus aplicaciones
While Google Cloud Bigtable offers built-in durability features, there is often a struggle to implement comprehensive backup strategies that address the unique characteristics of NoSQL data structures, potentially leaving them vulnerable to data loss or inconsistencies during recovery processes.
HYCU provides automated, application-aware backups for Google Cloud Bigtable, enabling customers to ensure data within their Bigtable instances is safe, secure, and rapidly recoverable. With HYCU, users can restore an entire Bigtable instance or just a specific table to meet critical SLAs, all without the need for manual scripting or complex management overhead.
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Start protecting your Google Cloud Bigtable for free
Secure, reliable data protection for Google Cloud Bigtable
- Frecuencia de copia de seguridad flexible con retención ilimitada
- Recuperación de datos a nivel de elemento con un solo clic
- Copias de seguridad automáticas con políticas de "configurar y olvidar".
- Copias inmutables a prueba de ransomware
- Almacenamiento externo de copias de seguridad en almacenes propiedad del cliente