Secure, reliable backup & recovery for AWS Lambda
Protecting serverless security data
Caso práctico del cliente
HYCU R-Cloud: Protección ilimitada en todas sus aplicaciones
The transient nature of AWS Lambda functions and their rapid scaling capabilities make traditional backup strategies ineffective, leaving vulnerability in data loss, version control issues, and potential security breaches in their serverless functions.
HYCU's tailored approach for AWS Lambda backup, providing automated, version-aware backups of function code and configurations, enabling rapid rollback capabilities, and ensuring seamless integration with existing CI/CD pipelines, all while maintaining the agility and cost-effectiveness of serverless architectures.
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Start protecting your AWS Lambda data for free
Secure, reliable data protection for AWS Lambda
- Frecuencia de copia de seguridad flexible con retención ilimitada
- Recuperación de datos a nivel de elemento con un solo clic
- Copias de seguridad automáticas con políticas de "configurar y olvidar".
- Copias inmutables a prueba de ransomware
- Almacenamiento externo de copias de seguridad en almacenes propiedad del cliente